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Alexandre Roger Najjar

Born in Beirut, Lebanon in 1967, member of the Beirut Bar Association. He received his degrees from Paris II University Assas, Saint-Joseph University in Beirut and Paris I University (Sorbonne). He was the counselor of the minister of culture from 1999 until 2008. He was also a member of the Committee in charge of modernizing laws (within the ministry of Justice). He is the author of numerous publications and articles. He is registered in the Beirut Bar Association.
Languages: Arabic, French and English

Nadi René Najjar

Born in Beirut, Lebanon in 1969, member of the Beirut Bar Association and the American bar Association.
He received his degrees from Paris II University Assas, the St Joseph University in Beirut, the Lebanese University. He also holds an LLM from Georgetown University (Masters in Law). He is registered with the Luxembourg Investment Funds Association. He is also an off-counsel with the Luxembourg Firm Wildgen & Partners.
Languages: Arabic, French, English, Spanish and Luxembourgish

Rolla Roger Najjar

Born in Beirut, Lebanon in 1969, member of the Beirut Bar Association. She received her degrees from Paris II University Assas, the St Joseph University in Beirut, the Lebanese University and Paris I University Sorbonne.
Languages: Arabic, French, English and Spanish

Roger Najjar Law Firm also benefits from the experience
and qualifications of 10 other attorneys-at-law.
Etude Me Roger Najjar
95, Rue Corniche du Fleuve, Imm. Rayna.
B.P: 166629 Beyrouth - Liban

Tel: 00961 1 429 076 / 8 - 00961 1 202 408
Fax: 00961 1 429 077